Sat 11 Jan
Sick of the rest finally the best 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!!!!!! New pic's boy's 100$ half 2day - 27
(Syracuse, liverpool)
secret friends with benefits, you got what i want, i give what you need!!! $100hr - 25
(Syracuse, n syracuse area)
** sexy star real me *** italian babe **100% Satisfation garented** pure pleasure *** - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse close to down town)
***€Rotic Fanta§Y*** New! * €bony * ChinaDoll!! ** Outcall *** Specials! - 23
(Syracuse, Syracuse, Surrounding Areas)
Sexy Brunette +:+:+:+: Exotic Eyes +:+:+:+: Silky Soft Skin +:+:+:+: PHONE PICS - 29
(Syracuse, In and outcalls)
I'm Back Boys!! 💎💦👅 Don't Miss Out 😏💋 - 21
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Here for a short stay, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syrac)
❤_TS Brianna_❤ • $weet • $exy • $atisfying • WITH a FEMALE FRIEND ;) 24hr in/out - 21
(Syracuse, Syracuse and Surrounding)
NeW in ToWn ACTUAL PHOTOS busty petite young Italian Latina very Curvy F.F.8" bottom Transexual - 21
(Albany, Buffalo, Hudson Valley, Syracuse, MIDTOWN EAST 33RD STREET & 2ND AVE)
█ _ S U P E R _ S E X Y_ █▒█ _ P E T I T E _ █▒█ _2 G I R L_ █▒█ ___N E W P I C S__█ - 22
%%%M A T U R E - O L D E R - N I K K I E & H A P P Y - B I R T H D A Y %%% - 51
[•♥•] pEtiTe FreAk_ { No BaiT N SwItcH } YUMMY & SwEeT { CliCk HeRe }:: LetS PlAy!! LaSt DAY - 21
(Syracuse, lunch special 3-5pm)
%%% i am ever man fantasy ever wife worst nightmare so if you think you can hang give summer a ring% - 23
(Syracuse, any where you want to go)
back in town call now for *An Experience Worth Your While* Enticing woman, the perfect Latin Lover - 25
(Syracuse, incalls only)
*-*~ New Yorks FINEST *-*~ CLass *-*~ BLondE *-*~ BeautiFuL *-*~ SexY SmiLE *-*~ - 36
(Syracuse, N.Syracuse incall/Casino travel)
Steamy hot showers, toy shows, prostate play, ALL YOU DESIRE HERE with KAY!! $80~100hr - 30
(Syracuse, north syracuse off 81)
Stop throwing your money away.... - w4m
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
**5 Star*Top of the line selection **We are everything you Want n More** - 19
(Syracuse, syracuse in n out calls)
[*¨¨I'm¨¨* (((qUaLiFiEd))) *¨¨tO ¨¨* KeEp *¨¨ yOu¨¨* (((sAtiSfiEd))) *¨¨*]~> - 24
(utica [.L.C.M.T.])
IM BACK IN TOWN. COME SEE ME full body rub by Lady Jade (315) 414-9177syr,surrounding - 30
(Syracuse, Syracuse and surounding areas)
•••((=B U S T Y=)) °o★•((=H O T T I E=)) °•★•° (=V I S I T I N G =!=)) - 22
(Syracuse, SyRaCuSe InCaLL★)
[*. SWEET & SEXYy.*] READy tO PLEASEe ;)) 2 GIRL SPECIALS & TS AVAIL 24hr❤ - 21
(Syracuse, Syracuse and Surrounding)
Fri 10 Jan
👅👄👅👄Im real & Naughty, totally edible sweet sexy Kay 315-992-3402 👅👄👅👄 - 31
(Syracuse, 👄👅👄 N. Syracuse off 81N 👄👅👄)
@@@kinky nasty but passing im here to make all are time lasting@@@ - 23
(Syracuse, Syracuse/watertown all sorounding areas)
True Beauty •*° DOMINATON— •*° — S— E—X—Y— ALL- NATURAL •°°REAL PHOTOS! 10inches - 21
(Syracuse, Carrier Circle)
Wanna have the time of your life??? - 24
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
☮ Hot Rates Sexii Tan Discrete Ts ☮ ... Let Me Lead YOU to A State of Serene Rapture. 100 % real - 24
(Syracuse, Syracuse Visting)
❗ULTIMATE SEDUCTRESS 👯👗👠WHY SETTLE FOR LESS🚮🚫 When You Can Get Just What You Payed For🌹💎👸 - 21
(Syracuse, Syracuse Ny)
**$$$ MoNdAy $$$ *** $$$$ $$$$SPECiALS$$$$CoMe PlAy WitH Me GeNtLeMaN PlEaSiNg YoU Is My GuRaNtEE** - 23
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE (local))
❤NeW FloridA GirL💋SexY KimberlY💜🏆 FloriDa BombshelL💎 LeTs PlAy� ReaL PicS❤ - 22
(Syracuse, Friday Night Specials)
(¯`'·. ¸☆¸.•★ !'ll B€ ¥oUR F@VoRiiT€ N€W @DDii¢Tii0N★█▆▅▃ ·'´¯ ☆ iTALiAN BAMBiNO - 19
(Syracuse, syracuse InCallS & OutCallS)
It's Alexis Kane★ I'm better than ↑↑ her & ↓↓ her ★ ----» CLICK HERE «----- - 24
(Syracuse, In-calls and out calls)
◤◥ KAMOR ◤◥ NeW PiCS Up All Night ツ %100 Real Come Play In My Slippery BOX OutCalls ONLY!! - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse Area OutCall 24/7)
** kim is the ultimate DREAM COME TRUE *i meet u at the door naughtywear n heels $100hr 315*436*3972 - 25
(Syracuse, sexy Kim @ Rt 11 (n.syr))
Late Night Specials!! $}{60$ }{ $60 }{ $100 }{ SpeCiaLs CaNt BeaT This TreaT!! - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse/surrounding areas)
{[DON'T MISS}] your Last Chance to have the Sexiest most talented Beauty in town...*100% Guaranteed* - 26
(Syracuse, Syracuse & surrounding areas)
wishes come true with snow white COMPLETE SATISFACTION & SERVICE $80~100hr SNOW WHITE 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
💋Are you ready to spice up ur life?💣🎉pics 100% real🎈, never feel rushD💕🎁 Let me Rock your world❤️💋 - 20
(Syracuse, cuse)
🍃🌷🍃 yummy, yummy🍃🌷🍃 they use fingers, I use TOYS🍃🌷🍃 SEXY KAY 🍃🌷🍃315-992-3402 - 31
(Syracuse, 🌷N.Syracuse off 81N🌷)
✋❌ €XTR€M€L¥ ADDiCTiVE 👑 Sω€€T & 💯% S€X¥ 👊 kNocK OuT❌ AvAiLaBle NOW 👑 LeAViNg SOON!!✋ - 27
SuPeR Sweet 100SPeCiAL ♛• NeW CuT¡€ (ViSiTiNG) [UpSCaLe BaBe] No RusH 1OO% ReAl - 19
(Syracuse, where ever you need me to be)
Incall only, openminded Sexy Kandi is ready to treat you ** 315-882-9849 (($80 specials. )) - 25
(Syracuse, north syracuse off 81/ incall only)
◆█◆█★♡♡▄❤ (( HoT ))♥_= C_A_T_C_H = ( ME ) =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E = ( U ) = C_A_N =_♥♡♡▄★ - 22
°°••ExOTIC Mixed TriniDaddiAn & J a mai CaN QuEEn A TrUe CaRiBBean goDdess - 22
(Syracuse, carrier circle)
——— •*° F—R—E—A—K—Y—— •*° ————— S— E—X—Y——— •*° ° ———BLONDE ——— SWEET, SEXY &DELiCiOUS; ! - 23
~~♥ █ ♥ ~Gorgeous..... Sexy ..... Japanese ..... Girl **new in town - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse /315-878-2613.)
SeXy Stacy is hot and ready for fun **80 to 100 roses hr** i do what u want gentleman, 315~664~ 6833 - 28
(Syracuse, E. Syracuse)