Thu 02 Jan
New Pics ... The Best In the Cuse.. Holiday Specials!!!!! New number:) - 24
(Syracuse, incall Syracuse)
Morning special Hot and ready no rush ~kiss kiss available now $100 - 23
(Syracuse, east syracuse carrier circle)
N U R U * B O D Y 2 B O D Y * S L I D E *with Kennedy Visiting (( Dec 12th ) - 27
(Syracuse, DOWNTOWN)
- ★• █ JACKPOT █ •★• *¨¨*:• . ★ .•:*¨¨dont miss out*¨¨*:• . ★ .•:*¨¨ - 20
(Syracuse, incalls syracuse)
In-Calls Available »—❤—» [ MiXedd EbOnY * ] »—❤—» [ New PixS] [ *AVA!LABLE NOW Specials »—❤—» - - - - 22
(Syracuse, Out-Calls Private In-Calls Safe)
♥♡♥NEW IN TOWN♥♡♥GiRl Of YoUr DrEaMs SwEeT vAniLLa CrEaM♥♡♥ - 23
(Syracuse, In-Call & Out-Call 24/7)
***NEW and here all week*** half the sugar, twice the spice - 28
(Syracuse, Safe clean incall (limited out))
❤NeW FloridA GirL💋SexY KimberlY💜🏆 FloriDa BombshelL💎 LeTs PlAy� ReaL PicS❤ - 22
(Syracuse, Friday Night Specials)
New Girl► ► ► ►► ►►► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ►► ► ★ TRY ★ ME ★ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄◄ ◄OVER NIGHT SPECIAL - 23
(Syracuse, Upscale Hotel-In Call)
** Late night special $100/hh special 100% me or the session is free Available Now ** - 30
(Syracuse, mattydale)
IM BACK!!!! (¯`'·. ¸☆¸.•★ !'ll B€ ¥oUR F@VoRiiT€ N€W @DDii¢Tii0N★█▆▅▃ ·'´¯ ☆ - 19
(Syracuse, syracuse OutCalls!)
~ *=+ I ~ WiLL ~ GiVE ~ U ~ a ~ SMiLe ~*=+ HeaT ~ u ~ UP ~*=+ NOW ~ * - 36
(Syracuse, East Syracuse/safe)
**LeTs HaVE SoMe FuN GeNtLeMaN SaTuRdAy $SpEcIaLs$ CoMe InDuLGe In UNFORGETTABLE PlEaSures wiTh Me! - 23
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE {private})
♥( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) L•O•O•K•••► ••► ••►KiLLeR BoDy ★【 WAiTiNg 4 YoU 】【 HiGhLy SKiLLeD ♥ 5-★ BLONDE B@RbiE - 23
$$$$$ ***** JEWELS $$$$$**** Memorial Day SPECIALS $$$$$ ***** 100% Real $$$$$ ***** - 26
(Syracuse, syr)
$$$$$-L A Y L A & H O I L D A Y - S P E C I A L S & 315-314 - 6439 $$$$$ - 55
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE NY 315-314-6439 24/7 OPEN)
♠~ ♦ ~ ♠ Its Now 2013 Trust Me When I Say♠ ~ ♦ ~ ♠ start it RIGHT w/ someone SiMpLy InToXiCaTiNg - 22
(Syracuse, Outcall $PECIAL$ CALL NOW Avail all day)
Must see ...... sweet, sexy, italian beauty. Dont miss out. leaving soon!!! xoxo - 26
(Syracuse, syr)
**HoTt SeXy Nd ExOtiC LeT uS FuLlFiL yOuR NeEdS** TWO GIRL SPECIALS & TS AVAIL* 24/hr in/out - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse and surrounding areas In/Out)
LEXUS with my 36DD's on my 4"11 frame is here for 2more days ONLY!!! - 21
Long legs and a tiny waist to love all the way! ️💝Bright and bubbly Blondie to meet your needs - 26
(Syracuse, syracuse incalls / car fun :))
INcall onLy★ ·BbW· >BiG bOOty WomAN ★Yes, I'm 100% >> R E A L
(Syracuse, in call 24/7 CARRIER CIRCLE))
♥°•.I Rr.♥°•.Im OPEN for Fun In Every WhoLe !!! But ONE !!!!!! ♥°•.♥°•.♥°•. - 27
(Syracuse, safe,clean hotel)
Hot and ready no rush ~kiss kiss available now 315- 516-0171 - 23
(Syracuse, east syracuse carrier circle)
Millie is back & well reviewed 💋💋💋 give me a call ;) sweet Indian Italian girl - 22
(Syracuse, Oswego only)
Last Day :•: ★ :•: Best Cougar Rose - Recently REVIEWED as SPINE TINGLING - TOE CURLING :•: ★ :•: - 50
(Syracuse, VISITING 518-368-6197)
@@@@@-I M & M A T U R E & O L D E R & C E R A @@@@@ - 49
🌸💋🎀 💟HoT 💖BLoNdE 💘BoMbSHeLL MoDeL💖 Syracuse Sunday Jan 17th 💟 🎀💋🌸 - 30
(downtown Syracuse, Syracuse)
@@@ L O O K -O L D E R-C E R A-I S -B A C K &P; R E B O O K I N G-O N L Y@@@ - 47
Lexus is finally back with 36DD * Can't beat my specials :) - 23
(Syracuse, INCALL and Outcall SPECIALS)
I CaN Do MaGic TrIcKs WiTh My LipS HiPs & FiNGeRTiPs ((Incallspecial ))!!! LeGGs Booty Boobies - 19
(Syracuse, carrier circle incall)
- - - HoT FingerS - - - ONYX - - - $$ 80 - - SPenD time - - -WITH ME - - - NOW - - - - 40
(Syracuse, syracuse/safe)