Mon 06 Jan
aubun area $80hr pure satisfaction by the best sexy candy $80hr 315-209-4501 - 28
(Syracuse, auburn area)
1/2 off today. .;)..get a spine tingling goosebumps filled massage. .1/2 off today - 35
(Syracuse, north of syr)
***New to the Area.....Come visit me, im Sasha......315-317-8848 *** - 31
(Syracuse, Syracuse Area Only)
Upscale ... Busty , Petite Exotic ..... Companion Available Now.... Limited Time Only Specials - 20
(Syracuse, East Syracuse, Surrounding Areas Special)
summer time fun summer time splash come take a dip in freakest pool around - 20
(Syracuse, discrete location)
⬛️💚🍒👄⬛️🍒🍭🌴💕🌴.⬛️🍒 *💋 YOUNG🌸‼️ 🌸SEXY🌸‼️ 🌸BLONDE🇮🇹 BARBIE 🌸‼️ 🌸💋 🌴💕🌴💋⬛️🍒💕⬛️🍒👄⬛️💚 - 23
~ Toys, prostate play, fetishes, ANYTHING TO PLEASE YOU~ 100% satisfaction with nikki 315~278~0496 - 26
(Syracuse, (safe,clean) east, Syracuse (off 690))
visiting upscale hot lil mature brunette maddison 36b-24-36 5'2 129lbs & a couple hot friend - 29
(Syracuse, syracuse ny in/outcall)
THe CHAMp IS HeRe"! SASha'S BaCk WItH NeW PiCS anD SPeCiALS! hOT! HOt! HoT! - 27
(Syracuse, Incall/Outcalls Syracuse and surrounding)
The * Goddess * Of * Your * Dreams *** Relaxing * Fun * Sexy * 100% REAL - 24
Tw0 ExXoTiic bEaUTiiEs ReAdY FoR WhAtEvEr iN sUbUrB aREa >GENEVA< - 19
(Syracuse, Geneva incall ONLY)
(((Sparkle))) One Of a Kind... New Pics!!!! $$$100 Incall Specials ^^ 315-876-7933 - 24
(Syracuse, Syracuse/incall/outcall)
•—— •U N F Õ ® G € T T Â B L € •———• P L € Â $ U ® Â B L € •———• E X P € ® I € N C €—• - 21
toy shows, toys, 7" strap, prostate play, reg service, All body to body 80hh 100hr anna 315~395~0796 - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
S*w*e*e*t D*e*l*i*g*h*t -- Your Treat Tonight!! - 19
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
- - - HeaT - - - YouR - - - BoDY - - - w/ - - - MY - - - SeNsUaL - - - HaNdS *NOW* - 40
(Syracuse, E.SYRACUSE/discreet/SAFE)
~*~ ______ I AiM To PLeAsE In EvErY WaY LooKiNg FoR ErOTic FuN TeLL Me WhAtS YoUr FaTaSy _______~*~ - 23
(syracuse and surrounding areas in/out)
♥ Forget the Rest...Im the Best! Sexy♥ Beautiful♥ 100% Real Pix. A+ Review - 22
(Syracuse, In & Out Calls)
EXCELLENT service for a EXCELLENT rate, $80~100 full hr, COMPLETE SERVICE here. tina 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
**CoMe WaRm Up WiTh Me SeXy SEDUCTIVE $60$SpEcIaLs$$ **BrANd New AnD Ready To PlEaSe YoU GeNtLeMaN** - 23
(Syracuse, Syracuse (local))
💋❤💋—— 💋❤💋[[ GORGeOUs ]] 💋❤💋[[BeAuTiFul ]]💋❤💋[[ SUPER SEXY ]] 💋❤💋——💋❤💋[[ READY NOW ]] 💋❤ - 22
~ Elite - Late Night Specials { 60/hh :: 100hr incalls } 120 Outcall/ in Syracuse Area - 24
$$$$ $$$$Click Here For Your Prize $$$$$$$ 100 $ today onlly guys pick the phone & call now!!!! - 28
(Syracuse, Liverpool)
Exotic Beautiful Sunday Specials 50 half 100 hour 2 Girl 140 - 24
(Syracuse, Syracuse and Surrounding Areas)
Fri-Sun. Specials for 2 ;) Never disappointed, Come to OUR world... Come to LalaLand!!!♥ - 19
(Syracuse, Syracuse and surrounding areas)
( ♥ BUSTY ♥ PLAYMATE ♥ ) :: :: ( ♥♥1OO% REAL ♥NEW♥ ) :: :: ( ♥♥ AVAiLABLE ♥♥ ) :: :: - 19
ArE yOu ReAdY To SpIcE Up YoUr LiFe! 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs! BeInG bAd NeVeR fElT So GoOd® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
ஐ ₱aRty GiRLs Do IT BeTTe®! SuPer Juicy █ ALL -NiTEஐ UpScALe *HoTTiEs δωεε† && T!gHT RΞΛÐ¥ TØ PŁΛ¥ - 21
(Syracuse, Your Place Syracuse)
*AVAILABLE 24HRS* KIM ~DREAM COME TRUE *i meet u at the door naughtywear n heels $100hr 315*436*3972 - 24
(Syracuse, sexy Kim @ Rt 11 (n.syr))
**BlAcK FRiDaY $pECiAl$**IM HoTT & ReAdY GeNtLeMeN* FANTASIES & FETISHES welcome :) * - 22
(Syracuse, syracuse- (private))
Becky's back in town til Monday 11/25...Dont miss out - 27
(Syracuse, syracuse and surrounding areas)
electrifying captivating gorgeous woman
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
Sun 05 Jan
★°••°☆■█■☆NEW PiX CURVY WiLD BlOnDe 100 incall specials I'm READY&Waiting; 2 PLay-: :-•*¨★•°••°☆■█■☆ - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse incalls)
** sexy star real me *** italian babe **100% Satisfation garented** pure pleasure *** - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse close to down town)
**** Real *** Woman *** BLONDE ** BeaUtiful *** HOT *** ClaSSy!! *** ReaDy!!! *** - 35
(Syracuse, Syracuse / OUT CALLS!! to good areas)
OMG ~ 60 ~ 100 ~ Treat yourselfs dont beat yourselfs .. 24/7 Satisfaction Garaunteed :) - 25
♥ ♥SeXy NaTiVe AmErIcAn ♥ (DONT WAIT) (CALL NOW !!!!!24/7) ♥ - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse/ incall / outcall)
NEW 💥👯👯🔲👯👯🔲👯💥 SExY BLoNdE PlAY MATe💥👯👯🔲👯👯🔲👯💥 CaLL NOW 💥👯👯🔲👯👯🔲👯💥🔲 - 24
Only Seeing Old Friends ♡Alexis♡ - 4ft11" Funsize PETITE GODDESS ☆ - 28
New in town tired of the lies froñ fake girls posting fake pic try me now out calls avail - 27
█ _ S U P E R _ S E X Y_ █▒█ _ P E T I T E _ █▒█ _2 G I R L_ █▒█ ___N E W P I C S__█ - 22
Selena Sexy Black & Puerto Rican Princess Visiting town%%! LAST day here 80$ Special leave at NOON - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse Carrier Circle)
💋💋💋 ♥ƸӜƷ♥ ▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ ▄ ▂ ▁ 💋 -P-U-R-€ -♥- Ṗ-L-E-A-§-U-R-€- 💋 ▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ ▄ ▂ ▁ ♥ƸӜƷ♥ 💋💋💋 - 25
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE 💋)
NEW to this area ~~~ Angelina Marie ~~~ Petite Erotic Doll Will Make You Melt ~~~ NO RUSH JUST FUN - 26
(Syracuse, 75 mile radius of Syracuse)