Thu 02 Jan
★ Sexy Seductive ★ Good Girl Gone Bad ★ Come Take Advantage of This Bombshell - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse, Surrounding Areas In/out)
""""" my names jade.. great girl, great service, great area, 75 half 100 hour. jade 315~664~ 1755 - 23
(Syracuse, Burnet ave/ Thompson rd)
* Nothing But Beauty Ready To Handle Your EVERY Need* - 23
(Syracuse, Cicero and syracuse and surrounding ares)
New to BP! - Dominican/Indian Mix - 315.329.1924 - Incalls/Outcalls - 29
(Syracuse, Incall/Outcalls Syracuse/Casino)
❤ NEW !! 2 GiRL SPECiAL$ ☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥╠╣ot! ♥Beautiful ρℓαγmαtεs 💎 315-800-8337 📲 - 22
🌺💖💙💟💝💗💖💘💝 ══New Busty Asian ══💙🌺💙💖💘💝══💘 💙💖🌺💟💙💝══ 100%Young&Hot;══ 💖💙💟🌺💖💘💝 202-807-8527 incall 💖💘💝💖 - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse incall 202-❽07-8❺2❼)
**MoNdAy $$60$$ SpEcIaLs ** ** **ReAdY FoR UlTiMaTe PlEaSuRe Im hErE & WaItInG To pLeAsE ** *~* 24/7 - 25
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE(private))