Thu 02 Jan
% M A T U R E & M I S T R E S S & L A Y L A & come in from the cold&relax;% - 55
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE NY IN CALLS-AVI15-314-6439)
**** Misbehavior ** & ** Delectable ** Fun **** Syracuse **** This Visit Booked **** - 37
✩ * ✩ * ✩ My Amazing Body && Jaw Dropping Titts✩ * ✩ * ✩ * ✩ - 22
(Syracuse, OutCalls 24/7 Specials Call Now)
█ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ █ NEW!!! ★ LET ME BE YOUR ::: SEXY ★ YOUNG ★★ HOTTIE ::: █ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ █ - - - 19
(Syracuse, Carrier Circle/Syracuse)
★•♥•★ [EXOTIC] •♥• [CHYNA DOLL] •♥• [ Last Chance ] ★ •♥•★ specials - 21
(Syracuse, syracuse/ carrier circle)
❤•InCaLL OuTcaLL •❤ ______ ((( •♥• SexY B@bE •♥• JUsT 4 U •♥•))) ______❤•ClASSy BRuNTTe•❤ - 24
(Syracuse, Syr. IN & OUT)
**MoNdAy $$60$$ SpEcIaLs ** ** **ReAdY FoR UlTiMaTe PlEaSuRe Im hErE & WaItInG To pLeAsE ** *~* 24/7 - 25
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE(private))
New_____CoMe PLaY WiTh A bUsTy BLonDe HoT AnD ReaDy AnD EaGeR To PLEaSe U - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse & surrounding areas in&out; call)
Let Me Ease Your Stess ~ Nothing but the BEST!! Muhzz 24/7 in/out Avail. Specials 60half100hour - 23
------- New in town Sexy Dominican and Jamaican Exotic Goddess ready for You--------- - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse (incall). Near the 90)
Morning special Hot and ready no rush ~kiss kiss available now $100 - 23
(Syracuse, east syracuse carrier circle)
New in town tired of the lies froñ fake girls posting fake pic try me now 80$ hh Thursday - 27
(Syracuse, liverpool)
♥♡♥NEW IN TOWN♥♡♥GiRl Of YoUr DrEaMs SwEeT vAniLLa CrEaM♥♡♥ - 23
(Syracuse, In-Call & Out-Call 24/7)
** )](/)](/ *** NEW **** HOT **** N **** WILD **** COME PLAY **** \)](/)[(/) ** - 24
(syracuse surrounding areas in/out)
❤NeW FloridA GirL💋SexY KimberlY💜🏆 FloriDa BombshelL💎 LeTs PlAy� ReaL PicS❤ - 22
(Syracuse, Friday Night Specials)
** Late night special $100/hh special 100% me or the session is free Available Now ** - 30
(Syracuse, mattydale)
~ *=+ I ~ WiLL ~ GiVE ~ U ~ a ~ SMiLe ~*=+ HeaT ~ u ~ UP ~*=+ NOW ~ * - 36
(Syracuse, East Syracuse/safe)