Mon 27 Jan
▲ ▼ TOTAL ▲ ▼ ARM ▲ ▼ CANDY ▲ ▼ R E A L PICS ▲ ▼ R E A L FUN ◄◄ AVAILABLe 24'7 - 24
(east Syracuse, Syracuse)
EMILY SNOW ⛄ Specials!! Sexy treat! tite and juicy for you! 3153734364 - 20
(South side of Syracuse, Manlius,LPool.&☝, Syracuse)
°•°•°•I want to make your dreams come true°•°•°• ~•Rosa•~ 315-460-6266 - 27
(Syracuse, East Syracuse/Carrier Circle/Dewitt)
Beauty & Brains •°•°~* Brianna* ~°•°• Is All Any Guy Could Need 100Half 150Hour •°•°»NEW PICS«°•°• - 21
(Syracuse, syr)
º(¯`'•UPSCALE¸ ★ (¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) DREAM•GIRL (¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) ★ new 2 town - 22
(Syracuse, syracuse area)
~ ~ ~ Sexy Seductress for True Gratification ~ ~ ~ Seeks New Friends With Benefits ~ ~ ~ - 33
(Binghamton, Binghamton , Vestal , Johnson City, Ithaca, Oneonta, Syracuse, Twin Tiers)
SPECIALS ALL DAY S e x y ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e - 35
(Syracuse, East,690, incalls/outcalls)
@@@ ChErOKeE ~ HOtT NeW oRlEaNs FLaVoR ~ SeNsUaL` TaLl ` SlEnDeR~CLASSY - 24
(Syracuse, incall/outcall)
*~**~** Enticing ** Captivating ** & ** Alluring **~**~* ~**SPRING SPECIALS**~ - 28
$80-$100.. touch it.. taste it.. tease it.. please it 100% satisfaction .. sexy anna 315-450-3406 - 24
(Syracuse, mattydale/ syracuse)
т♡ρ ♡ƒ тhє ℓιηє💕🐰❄️ EXTREMELY ѕωєєт🍭 Blonde Treat👸❄️💕💕 Absolutely GORGEOUS 💕🔥READY to PLAY🔥 - 23
(Outcalls only. Syracuse and surrounding, Syracuse)
Sun 12 Jan
SnOw WhItE ~~~~~~~~ 100% guaranteed COMPLETE satisfaction ~~~~~~~~~ 80~100hr call 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, Syracuse just off 690)
Sat 11 Jan
Im Freaky & Wild ; BBW -- 44DDD Chest ; Im That GOOD ! - 19
(Syracuse, Syracuse, OUTCALLS & incalls)
[░💜░]Ⓣop Ⓝotch Ⓟleaser>[░💜░] Tastefully •°°•►Dressed [░💜░]Hot Visiting Specials [░💜░]Dont Miss - 23
(Syracuse, LimitedTime*OutcallSpecials)
Fri 10 Jan
💋❤💋—— 💋❤💋[[ GORGeOUs ]] 💋❤💋[[BeAuTiFul ]]💋❤💋[[ SUPER SEXY ]] 💋❤💋——💋❤💋[[ READY NOW ]] 💋❤ - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse.....Outcall Only)
* Nothing But Beauty Ready To Handle Your EVERY Need* - 23
(Syracuse, Syracuse Surrounding Areas Carrier circl)
♥•♥ •♥• •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* ♥ Hot Girls -:¦:- Here To Please ~>Available NOW!!!!! ♥ *¨¨*•-:¦:-•* ♥•♥ •♥• - - 22
(Syracuse, In n Out)
★☆ Limited Time OnLy ★☆ Ready To PLay ? Let's PLay ★☆ 1000% ReaL Pics ★☆(Early Bird Specials) - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse, incalls/ outcalls)
»—»( K•¡•N•k•¥ )_ ×★×[§K¡LL§ THAT W¡LL AMAZ€ U] ×★× I'm LiiK3 No.OTH3R×★× ULTIMATE ExOtiC FR3AK» - 2 - 22
No One Can Do It Like Me ~~ Thick & Curvy ; **DDD Chest ** - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse, Incalls & Outcalls)
M I S T R E S S & L A Y L A & B O O K I N G & 4- M O N D A Y & S U N D A Y - 51
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE NY IN CALLS *82-315-228-8559)
Thu 09 Jan
Want Out? National Free Help 24/7: 1-800-551-1300
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
★ §P€CIÅL§!! ★ HOT & S€XY* ★ BeÅuTIFuL & ★$P€CIÅL - call Asap! - 23
(Syracuse, Syracuse In & Out 24/7)
Last chance til Wednesday morning! Big SPECiAL til midnite 100 hh/130 hr* 315-729-9059* - 34
(Syracuse, East Syracuse,incall/independent/Safe!)
💚 💚.. come be naughty with Sexy Kay! 💚 💚 $80/100hr in calls 💚💚315-641-6108💚💚 - 30
(north syracuse off 81/ xoxo, Syracuse)
███▓▒░░▒▓███ _UPSCALE__ ███▓▒░░▒▓███ __100% REAL PICS__ ███▓▒░░▒▓███ _S.E.X/Y_ ███▓▒░░▒▓███ - 19
(Syracuse, Carrier Circle/East Syracuse)
Sexy-Smart-Fun 18 Ready & Willing ** Priscilla ** $100 incall specials - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse/incall)
Wed 08 Jan
*** Super *** Sexy *** Asian ***Last Day*** in town*** ==== 22 - 23
(Syracuse, liverpool/syracuse ( 315-878-2613 ))
ATTENTION HoT NeW PiX *** SeXy YeT SwEET NaUgHtY BLoNdE All AmEricAn GiRL NeXtDooR &EaGeR; to PLeaSe - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse &all; surrounding areas)
♥Syracuse/Oswego/Fulton Surrounding Areas♥Call Me!!!♥(315)760-8500 - 24
(Syracuse, Syracuse. oswego.fulton surrounding area)
Tue 07 Jan
💚O.L.D.E.R. & MATURE 💜💚a must you be (40) and Older💜READ MY POSTING💚 - 55
(Syracuse, 💚SYRACUSE NY💛81south ext 17💝)
✋❌ €XTR€M€L¥ ADDiCTiVE 👑 Sω€€T & 💯% S€X¥ 👊 kNocK OuT❌ AvAiLaBle NOW! HABLO ESPAÑOL ✋ - 27
@@@Kinky sexy and ready to play no need to secound guess cause you will wont to stay@@@ - 23
(Syracuse, Syracuse/watertown all souronding area)
!!NEW PICS!! **Cutie with the Booty xoxo****Rush free Experience!! - 23
(Syracuse, carrier circle in-call only)
waiting & willing to ac0mpany y0u t0 y0ur desires..
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
Mon 06 Jan
Sexy; Fun & REAL!! Dream girl here to give you the best night EVER! Treat urself - 21