Mon 27 Jan
need to just get away and explore the sunny side of reliefe.follow the steps to my direction - 25
(Syracuse, liverpool/syracuse)
% M A T U R E & M E -N I K K I E &R; U N N I N G-S T A T E,F A I R&S; P E C I A L S% - 50
¯`'•UPSCALE¸ ★ (¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) DREAM•GIRL (¯`'•.¸ ☆ ¸.•'´¯) ★ new 2 town - - 24
(Syracuse, Syracuse, area)
*~*TuEsDaY$$60$$ SpEcIaLs* **CoMe EnJoY GeNtLeMaN*~* **DoNt MiSS Out On ThE UlTiMaTe ExPeRiEnCe ** - 23
For An Experience Worth Your While... Come See The Perfect Erotic Lover...Leave With A Smile - 25
(Syracuse, Syracuse, casino calls available)
I m& B A c K & O l D e R-N Ik KI e&(((((-B,D,s,M & RUBS )))))L o C Al & L oNg - 50
(Syracuse, syracuse ny watertown ny anywere)
Im A Freaky Girl ¤ Thick & Curvy ; *DDD Chest* incall Specials $80 & $120 till 11a.m - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse, Incalls & Outcalls)
~~=+ HOT ~ NEW ~= ` PICS ~=+ JAMIE LOVE `IS JuiCY ~=+ ~ " NOW " C~ME+ - 36
(Syracuse, syracuse/safe/discreet)
@@@Desire hot sexy classy top notch nasty trust me one night with me will be ever lasting @@@ - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse/watertown all sourrounding area)
----» CLICK Here «---- Alexis Kane★ I'm better than ↑↑ her & ↓↓ her ★ ----» CLICK HERE «----- - 23
(Syracuse, In Calls & Out Calls)
*** EroTIC *** FanTaSY!! ____°°° ChinaDoLL°°°°!! Outcall Specials - 24
(Syracuse, Syracuse and Surrounding Areas)
Busty, cute, & classy. 44DDD's. Im ready & waiting. Specials all day. Ill be your fantasy. - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse, incalls & outcalls.)
~`* C ~ ME ___ NoW ___ ~`* morning ONLY! ____~`* DoNT ___ miss ___me ~`* - 37
(Syracuse, E. Syracuse/safe place!)
Book your Non-Rushed, Laid Back type Session with the Girl next door... - 25
Best part of waking up is ~*Submissive Skylar*~ under your command - 26
(Hudson Valley, Newburgh area)
**All NiTe SpEcIaLs $$60$$ SpEcIaLs DoNt Miss OUt GeNtLeMaN** ** UnFoRgEttAbLe PlEaSuRe GuArAnTeeD** - 23
▃▃▅▆ ̡Ӝ ̨̄ ▆▅▃ _ALL-AMERICAN __BEAUTY ▃▅▆ ̡Ӝ ̨̄ ▆▅▃ Thin-Waist & Gorgeous Face ▃▅▆ ̡Ӝ ̨̄ ▆▅▃▃ - 22
**BrAnD NeW In ToWn DoNt MiSs OuT** ~~ SeXy LeXi ~~ **FrIdAy $60$SpEcIaLs$ All DaY & NiTe** **24/7** - 24
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE(private))
*-*~ BLondE *-*~ CLassY *-*~ BeauTiFUL *-*~ QuaLiTy *-*~ EXperiENcE *-*~ - 36
(Syracuse, E.Syracuse)
-:¦:- All Natural -:¦:- -:¦:- Sweet -:¦:- Sensual -:¦:- -:¦:- Feminine Elegance-:¦:- - 22
~ = + C ~ ME ~ ThIS MORNING ~ WhiLE U~ CAN ~ SeXY ~BLONDE ~ FuN ~=+ - 36
(Syracuse, E.SYraCuSE/SAFE/DiscreeT plAcE)
Beauty & Brains •°•°~* Brianna* ~°•°• Is All Any Guy Could Need 100Half 150Hour •°•°»NEW PICS«°•°• - 21
(Syracuse, syr)
~`* The ~ ___ BEST _____ BLoNDE ____ ~`* EXpeRiEnce ____ C ~ ME ____ * - 37
(Syracuse, E.Syr/discreet/SAFE Place!)
★ ° ★ ° S€xy Cho©ol@t€ Thi¢k S€du©ti√€ Fr€@k ★ ° ★.° C@ll M€ Sh@r@.. - 28
(Syracuse, Geneva/Fingerlakes/Syracuse)
~`* ____ SWeeT ____ ~`* SuGaR ____ ~`* CaNDY ____ ~`* SeXY _~_~ ~`* PiCS - 36
(* ◆ Try ◆ A ◆ Sexy ◆ Blonde ◆ Today ◆ Or ◆ Two *) - 19
(Syracuse, Incall TODAY ONLY! Outcall 2 Anywhere)
Touch of Class & 1000 Islands Massage Studio - 21
(Syracuse, 86 Princess St Kingston Ont (upstairs))
Syracuses best kept secret **naughtiest BLONDE** NEW PICS MUST SEE - 21
(Syracuse, syracuse UPSCALE)
ThUrSDaY $$80$$ SpEcIaLs All DAy~ ~ ReAdY & WaITInG GeNtLeMaN~ **CoMe EnJoY UnRuShEd CoMpLeTe ** - 25
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE {private})
Thick, Beautiful, & Open minded. Incall specials. Triple D chest. 100% unrushed. - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse, INCALLS & Outcalls)
Sugar in spice everythings thats nice melt in my mouth and not in my hand - 20
(Syracuse, upscale hotel east syracuse)
SPECIAL 60$$$$ IM BACK!! 4 FOOT 11 GYMNAST VERY FLEXIBLE$$$$$ 420friendly limited time only!!$$$$$ - 21
(Syracuse, Syracuse INCALLS ONLY carrier circle)
💋💄💋slap it on my 💋spread me wide I'm the girl 💋You want a freak in disquise💄💋 - 22
(Syracuse, syracuse/watertown all surrounding areas)
Welcome to my five star resort were there's nothing but pure pleasure pure exciting!!!! - 22
(Syracuse, In or out calls)
@@@this girl is on fire hot sexy freak and knows your desires@@' - 22
(Syracuse, syracuse/Watertown)
The perfect Goddess♥ New PiCs♥ NeW FrIeNd♥TwO GIrL SPEcial ♥after hours special - 25
(Syracuse, quit clean safe discrete location)
*** Specials ....Sneak Away & Satisfy **Your Craving... Sweet , & Tender - 20
(Syracuse, East Syracuse, Surrounding Areas Special)
Busty, cute, & classy. 44DDD's. Im ready & waiting. Specials all day. Ill be your fantasy. - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse, incalls & outcalls.)
~`* C ~ ME ___ NoW ___ ~`* morning ONLY! ____~`* DoNT ___ miss ___me ~`* - 37
(Syracuse, E. Syracuse/safe place!)
Blonde Bombshell (( PLEASE READ THE AD )) - 22
(Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-Rome-Oneida, Watertown)
Book your Non-Rushed, Laid Back type Session with the Girl next door... - 25
Come get the best!! Stop wasting your time with the rest.. - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse and surrounding areas)
* -* BLONDE *-* ClaSSy *-* SenSuaL *-* Soo HOT *-* TotaLLy ALL WomAn *-* - 36
(Syracuse, E. Syracuse)