Mon 27 Jan
the HoT they R' NOT! See #1 known & Trusted! Sunshine Blonde 115/145$ * 315-729-9059 * - 34
(Syracuse, East Syracuse/independent/in all/safe!)
Syracuse Favorite Girl Next Door ** A ** Going All Day & Night SPECIALS - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse Ny)
Sexii □■☆ Seductive ○•°♢ Specials! 80 hh 120hr Can't Beat This Treat**$$** 150 out calls (local) - 25
(Syracuse, Syracuse, Near 81N 690W and Destiny USA)
S E R I O U S L Y HOT :¦: Adriana :¦: ( TREAT YOURSELF Incall & Outcall Specials - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse Ny)
————— SPECiALS ———— ஐ ———— E X O T I C ———— ஐ ———— BRUNETTE ———— ஐ———— BOMBSHELL💋💋 - 34
(Syracuse, outcall only)
[ SeXiEsT BiTcH ReAl PiCs ] .! THe BEst MiStrEsS || CaLL mE|| xoxo - 19
(Syracuse, Syracuse INCAll/ OUT)
♡come experience the ultimate pleasure with me.♡not in Syracuse anymore, sorry!.♡ - 22
(Syracuse, Carrier Circle)
@@@candy soft and sweat with a juice tasty treat@@@ - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse/watertown all surounding areas)
Blonde Bombshell (( PLEASE READ THE AD )) - 22
(Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-Rome-Oneida, Watertown)
***Baddest blonde in syracuse !!!! exclusive !!!!!! Dont miss out :) - 21
(Syracuse, syracuse UPSCALE)
♡ ♥ Beautiful Brunette ♡ ♥ The Best Specials ♥ ♡ Including Early Bird Specials ♥ ♡ - 22
(Syracuse, ♥OUTCALL♥SPECIALS♥ (315) 741~8197)
DISCOVER THE BEST KEPT SECRET in syracuse new pics100%real or time free SPECIAL - 23
(Syracuse, incalls n local outcalls)
Come get the best!! Stop wasting your time with the rest.. - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse and surrounding areas)
____ ((( C U R V Y ))) _____ ((( I N D I A N )) ______ ((F R E A K )) ____ _ 100% R E A L - - 23
(Syracuse, Syracuse in/out)
Extremely Addictive ... A Dream Come True ...... Specials All Night - 20
(Syracuse, East Syracuse, Surrounding Areas Special)
{[DON'T MISS}] your chance to have the Sexiest most talented Beauty in town...*100% Guaranteed* - 26
(Syracuse, Syracuse & surrounding areas)
💞🌟 COME 🌟 PULL 🌟 My 🌟 PANT¡ES 🌟 DOWN !! 🌟 & 🌟 SMACK 🌟Me On MY 🌟 Ju¡cy LITTLE Bottom 🌟💞 - 22
~* CLassY ___ ~* SWeeT ___~* BLONDY ___ ~* HoT ~ PiCS ___~* AvaiL~ NOW* - 36
(Syracuse, E.SYRACUSE/SaFE place)
♥♥♥china doll ready to give yu wat yu wont♥(today only))80$$♥♥ - 21
(Syracuse, Syracuse ny valley off Salina)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 20
((CALL)))=✪= We're Exactly What You Want =✪=*(((NOW))) - 20
(Syracuse, Let us keep you warm in this blizzard!)
[-[- BIG -]-] ♡ [-[- STEP -] -]♡ ;[-[- ABOVE -]-] ;[-[- THE-]-] [ [ REST ] ] - 23
back in town call now for *An Experience Worth Your While* Enticing woman, the perfect Latin Lover - 25
(Syracuse, incalls only)
B R A N D . N E W . Y O U N G . A N D . H U N G R Y . F O R . Y O U - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse or should i say sorrycuse lol)
*Ask about 2 girl special *sweet* neat* sexy*discreet* Always here to please * K A Y L E E - 21
(Syracuse, tipped hill)
CALL NOW new and highly reviewed pics are real guaranteed 100% or time is on me - 23
(Syracuse, incalls n local outcalls)
¨*• Back •*¨ ☆ ¨*• By •*¨ ★ ¨*• PoPuLaR •*¨ ☆ ¨*• Demand •*¨*Nicole* - 22
(Syracuse, Carrier circle)
******DreaMs & FanTisies****** ** HoLiDaY SpEcIaLs ** - 28
(Syracuse, syracuse/oswego and surrounding areas)
Don't settle 4 less ~`* Call a Real WOMAN w/Exxperience! * Hot Amazing Lips 315-729-9059 - 36
(Syracuse, Syracuse/independent/incall/safe)
✔ Busty Older Masseuse 38ddd University Area incall - well reviewed - 65
(Syracuse, 10 minutes from Rt 90, Rt 81, 481, 690)
💋 👯 💋 ☆ BEAUTIFUL BOMBSHELL ☆ Specials Available NOW ☆ 💋 👯 💋 - 22
(Syracuse, watertown incall and some outcalls)